Rasmussen Law, LLC
Privacy Policy
The material on this site has been prepared by Rasmussen Law, LLC for informational purposes only. This information should not be construed as legal advice and is not necessarily current or complete. Receipt of this information does not create an attorney-client relationship. You should not send us any confidential information until after you have requested us to represent you and we have agreed to do so.
Rasmussen Law, LLC does not currently collect personally identifiable information at this site except to the extent that your Web browser provides such information to our Web server, such as the site from which you linked, the identity of your Internet Service Provider, or the type of browser you are using, and except to the extent that you provide such information to us, whether in an e-mail message or otherwise. We may use the information that we obtain from this site (e.g. in conjunction with Google analytics) to measure the usefulness and popularity of our site.
You also should be aware that any communication sent to us by email may be intercepted by third parties who may be under no obligation to keep such communication confidential. Before sending any confidential information, you should contact us to arrange suitable means to protect it
Find Us
10955 Lowell Avenue
Suite #400
Overland Park, KS 66210
(913) 871-2188