Naming Someone to Manage the Children’s Inheritance
Unless this in included in the estate plan, the court will appoint someone to oversee the children’s inheritance. This may be a stranger to the family. It will cost money (paid from the inheritance) and the children will receive their inheritances in equal shares when they reach legal age, usually age 18. Most parents prefer that their children inherit when they are older, and to keep the money in one ‘pot’ so it can be used to provide for the children’s different needs. Establishing a trust for the children’s inheritance lets the parents accomplish these goals and select someone they know and trust to manage it.
Who will make decisions for you if you are unable to make them for yourself? Who will have the power to sign documents on your behalf, or make sure your bills get paid?

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10955 Lowell Avenue
Suite #400
Overland Park, KS 66210
(913) 871-2188